

The group of authors presents the innovative theory to resolve numerically and analytically the problems related to the Earth, geo-information on mineral and resource material geo-modeling of hydrocarbon reservoirs with geo-physical synergy. The authors substantiate the methods of reservoir uncertainty numerical evaluation at the present stage of tight hydrocarbon reservoirs’ development. They consider the solution of a combinational synergy in geo-physical rhythms, conjunction of hydro-dynamics and geo-mechanics in heterogeneously deformed continuous medium of fluidal saturation geological evolution in fractured porous formations at the stages of catagenesis gradation and reservoir stiffness growth. The authors propose the solution of modern intellectual block-type procedures of scaled segmentation in complexly structured reservoirs with fluid mineral petroleum saturation. The paper contains the theoretical analysis of lab, field engineering and geo-physical results of diagenesis and catagenesis rhythmic synergy combinational studies, modern stages in additional shallow-depth combinational geo-physical studies with heavy and bituminous oil. They also consider an example that combines geo-electrical prospecting with seismic data in developing shallow-depth low-amplitude geo-physical studies of potential fields and rhythms in compacted / de-compacted heterogeneous resources in high-viscous and bitumen reservoirs of Ufa horizon in the Kama-Kinel system of down-folds, the Northern block of Samara Region.


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