

Despite of high density of seismic study of the near-Yamal part of the Kara Sea before 2012 shallow water junction zone –so called transition zone – was not examined for practical purposes. During 2012 – 2014 FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia together with JSC MAGE carried out contemporary regional researches on the near- Yamal shelf of the Kara Sea. It allows to study the transition zone along the western shore of the Yamal peninsula – from the island Beliy in the northern part to the Baydara Bay in the southern one. Seismic reflection studies, sub-bottom profiling, gravity survey and water and sediment sampling were included in this study. One of the results of the researches is discovering of the two new local structures in the transition zone. Wave field analysis along seismic profiles made possible to estimate the size of these structures and detected evidences of its hydrocarbon potential. Results of the geochemical study show high concentrations of the direct oil indications inside local structure areas. Expected deposits are located on the depth up to 4 km. Short haul to the shore and shallow water of the sea make the local structures as high potential places for the detailed researches in the nearest future.


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