

Despite years of study and proved oil and gas content, the Paleozoic of Western Siberia remains one of the least studied oil and gas proveneder complexes in the province. Currently, more than 60 oil and gas fields have been discovered in Paleozoic deposits, non-industrial oil and oil flows have been recorded in more than 100 areas; the geography of discoveries covers practically the entire West Siberian basin. A significant part of the Paleozoic deposits was discovered accidentally when deep drilling was put on Jurassic and Neocomian objects. The paper considers the regional model of the geological structure of the Paleozoic in West Siberia. YThe features of the geological structure and oil and gas potential of the Priuralsk and Pre-Enisey zones located in the western and eastern parts of West Siberia, respectively, are odentified and considered. In the inner region of the basin, 7 macroblocks, composed mainly of carbonate and agrillaceous-siliceous rocks, are of greatest interest in relation to oil and gas potential. The models of hydrocarbon reservoirs concentrated in different in composition rocks and controlled by traps of various types are considered.


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