

The results of application of a specialized interpretation technique for recognition of fractured earth for studying wave processes in a rock mass are presented. The effect of increasing the value of the frequency coordinate of the centroid in the zones of small differently oriented cracks is revealed. The change in the centroid is determined by various changes of the left and right boundary frequencies. Multiregression is considered: the dependence of the centroid frequency on the left and right boundary frequencies. In the regression scattergram, regions are distinguished, each of which has its own character of the variability of the spectral parameters. Enrichment of the spectrum with high frequencies is due to the formation of a complex reflected wave consisting of individual waves, multiple reflected of the top and the bottom inside the fracture, which has a higher frequency than the incident wave. Enrichment of the spectrum by low frequencies is due to the formation of diffracted waves whose period is over the incident wave. Since the formation of a particular type of wave is due to the internal structure of the fracturing zone, it is possible to judge the characteristics o


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