
P351 GALINDEZ ISLAND ICE CAP THICKNESS DETERMINATION BY THE VERTICAL ELECTRIC-RESONANCE SOUNDING METHOD 1 S.P. LEVASHOV 1 N.A. YAKYMCHUK 1 I.N. KORCHAGIN 2 V.D. SOLOVYOV 2 JU.M. PYSCHANIY 2 1 Institute of applied problems of Ecology Geophysics and Geochemistry Laboratory lane 1 Kyiv 01133 Ukraine e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] 2 Institute of Geophysics of Ukraine National Academy of Science e-mail: [email protected] Abstract. During the seasonal works of the 9-th Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition the thickness of the ice cap situated near the Academic Vernadsky station on the Galindez Island was measured. This problem was solved by the vertical electric-resonance sounding method (VERS


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