
Electrical anisotropy appears to be a near ubiquitous property of the lithospheric materials. It is seen that electrical potentials on the surface of the earth as a result, of a simple point, source in or under an arbitrary anisotropic layer are considerably influenced by anisotropy and the maximum of the potential surface is laterally displaced from the point on the surface vertically above the point source (Das, 1995). In the application of the direct current method, the electric charges are developed on the surface of the mineral deposits (body in Figure 1) because of its conductivity contrast with the host medium (layer 2 in Figure 1). In other words, a target can be equivalently replaced by the surface charges. Using Integral Equation method, we want to study the effects on the electrical potentials caused by a target embedded in an anisotropic layer and under an arbitrary anisotropic cover (layer 1 in 1 figure 1).


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