Volume 17 Number 2
  • E-ISSN: 1365-2478



According to a study of seismic velocities in the Alpine Foreland of Eastern Switzerland, the initial velocity is rather high in comparison with other Tertiary basins and shows an exceptionally high increase rate. When analysing the average and the interval velocities, especially of Tertiary strata, and when comparing them with velocities of strata of the same age and a very similar facies of the Northern Rheintalgraben, it has been found that the increase of velocity is closely related to the distance to the Subalpine Molasse. The conclusion is that the velocity of the Tertiary strata is strongly influenced by the folding pressure of the Subalpine Molasse or of the Alps. The same method has been applied to a relatively large number of wells in the area of the “German Molasse”. Not only the results in Eastern Switzerland have been confirmed, but also it has been proved that the diagenesis of the Tertiary strata and, hence, their velocities are influenced only partially by the specific depth of the basin. Velocities increase towards the Folded Molasse or the Alps. Consequently they depend on lateral folding pressure, which decreases from west to east with the increasing width of the basin. The tertiary strata of the basin have been affected by lateral folding pressurefrom south to north. However, structures with lateral compression have not been discovered yet in the German Alpine Foreland.


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  • Article Type: Research Article

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