Volume 2, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 1354-0793
  • E-ISSN:


Palynofacies characterization employing an innovative technique was successfully conducted on the sand-dominated lower Brent interval of the Ninian Field, which had previously been described as 'palynologically barren', and was used to aid in geosteering the field's first horizontal well. Pre-planning for the well included analysis on the cored interval of a neighbouring well where fifteen potential palynofacies/palynological events were recognized. All were distinct and consistent with the zonal breakdown and sedimentological description for the interval studied. The technique has been subsequently used at the well-site, in conjunction with Anadrill's GST (Geosteering Tool), to successfully maintain the well within its target window and close to its intended well path. More recently the technique has been used to successfully re-appraise and improve the stratigraphic understanding of wells within the field's structurally complex degradation sheet.


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  • Article Type: Other

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