Volume 17, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1354-0793
  • E-ISSN:



Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a useful tool in reservoir evaluation. The objective of this study is to predict petrophysical properties from NMR distributions. A series of laboratory experiments including core analysis, capillary pressure measurements, NMR measurements and image analysis were carried out on sixteen greensand samples from two formations in the Nini field of the North Sea. Hermod Formation is weakly cemented, whereas Ty Formation is characterized by microcrystalline quartz cement. The surface area measured by the BET method and the NMR derived surface relaxivity are associated with the micro-porous glauconite grains. The effective specific surface area as calculated from Kozeny's equation and as derived from petrographic image analysis of backscattered electron micrograph's (BSE), as well as the estimated effective surface relaxivity, is associated with macro-pores. Permeability may be predicted from NMR by using Kozeny's equation when surface relaxivity is known. Capillary pressure drainage curves may be predicted from NMR distribution when pore size distribution within a sample is homogeneous.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): capillary pressure; glauconite; greensand; NMR; permeability; porosity

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