
This paper presents a multi-stage approach to evaluate and select IOR/EOR methods. After first stage IOR/EOR applicability screening using critical reservoir parameters and interval theory, one can estimate a recovery factor based on knowledge cluster analysis of world wide EOR field experience database. Proven analytical solutions are used to calculate production profiles for depletion, waterflooding, chemical, thermal and gas injection methods. Poduction predictions for EOR methods give input to economic and risk evaluations with regard to implementation costs. This approach allows for fast evaluation of EOR potential at specific reservoir conditions, especially in the situation when available field information is limited. As analytical calculations require a simplified representation of the reservoir and are based on numerical dispersion free exact solutions, they allow for understanding of dominating effects and forces in the reservoir. They can also be used to verify numerical simulation results. The developed web-based screening tool is called by some users an “IOR/EOR compass”. The approach has been shown to be viable when a large number of reservoirs are to be screened for application of EOR methods or when an EOR application decision should be made for a new asset with limited field information is available.


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