
The Borborema Province, NE Brazil is one of the most active seismic areas of the country. For many years only the station RCBR (IRIS/GSN), with BB sensors, was used for monitoring the region. After 2005, with the “Projeto do Milênio”, new BB stations were acquired and deployed in Borborema wich results in a best monitoring of the region. The “Projeto do Milênio” was followed by a new project (INCT de Estudos Tectônicos) and monitoring followed until now. The monitoring of seismicity is the best way to identify new seismic areas in the region and aid to take decisions about deployment of local portable short period networks. After 2005 local networks operated in São Caetano (2007, 2010), Belém de Maria (2010), Caruaru (2010), Barragem do Castanhão (2007, 2010), Sobral (2008, 2010), Santana do Acaraú (2010), Taipu (2010), and Pedra Preta (2010) under the grants of “Projeto do Milênio” and INCT de Estudos Tectônicos. The regional BB stations and local networks, deployed in the last years, contributes for a new view about seismicity in the Borborema Province and the correlation between earthquakes and geology in the region.


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