
A-22 JOINT GEOSTATISTICAL INVERSION OF TIME- LAPSE DATA 1 LEON BARENS 1 PAUL WILLIAMSON 1 PETER ROWBOTHAM 1 2 and PETER SWABY 1 3 1. TotalFinaElf Geoscience Research Centre 33 Cavendish Square London W1G 0PW UK 2. Now at: Shell UK Ltd. 3. Now at: BNP Paribas Abstract Inverting time-lapse seismic data to acoustic impedance has potential for enhanced quantitative interpretation of saturation and/or pressure changes in a reservoir. By simultaneously inverting both base and monitor seismic data sets the impedance results are better and more consistently constrained. Using a geostatistical inversion method the time-lapse derived impedance change can be


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