
A workflow for simultaneous seismic interpretation and model building is presented. The workflow consists of two sequences. A first, in which a depth seismic section is gradually altered, by reverse and mainly structural processes, in order to restore the seismic section of the target to the time of deposition. In the second sequence a distribution of properties representing the target becomes subject to the normal version of the previous reverse geological processes, now ordered forward in time. The final property distribution is the reconstruction of the present day distribution. The method has many interesting advantages compared to present day workflows. It is fast and the model becomes geologically feasible. During the successive data-Restoration the impact of faults, deformation and compaction is gradually removed by invoking the inverse of these processes. The section looks “younger” and e.g. stratigraphic interfaces appears easier to interpret. Fewer - 10 times less than normal - and simpler surfaces are needed to represent the target, no matter how much it was compartmentalized originally. Having the restoration processes and their order in place the model-Reconstruction is done very fast executing the normal processes forwardly. Additional, mainly depositional and erosional processes can be added during reconstruction.


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