
Geostatistical models used in the Oil & Gas industry are mainly variogram-based models.They enable to build a large number of estimation and simulation algorithms. In the stationary case, variogram-based approaches are rather intuitive as some variographic parameters can be interpreted direcly in terms of structural properties, namely size and orientations. However as soon as the target area becomes large or involves complex structural patterns, the use of stationary variogram-based models leads to a loss of precision and some difficulties to reproduce the strutural complexity of the reality. Geostatistical solutions exist to deal with structural variations inherent in spatial data sets. In the framework of quasi-stationnarity, it is possible to consider spatial variations of the parameters of variogram-based models. Based on it, Moving GeoStatistics (M-GS) gathers a set of techniques dedicated to the local and optimal determination of variographic parameters. The optimal parameters are called M-Parameters. In this paper, we present a new method to compute M-Parameters. It is based on image-processing techniques and consists in throwing and stopping rays in all directions of the space. The method benefit is illustrated through examples of porosity simulations guidded by the shape of a channel.


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