Volume 18, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 1354-0793
  • E-ISSN:


In western Kazakhstan there are several world class hydrocarbon fields, including the onshore Karachaganak Field. The geological setting is very challenging for the seismic imaging techniques where deep carbonate platform targets underlie a complex overburden including diapiric and detached salt structures. Furthermore, the extensive oil field infrastructure generates a noisy environment for seismic acquisition and reduced access for vibroseis trucks.

KPO conducted an extensive integrated feasibility study for a new survey, complemented by a seismic acquisition test in 2008 which confirmed the need for dense source and receiver coverage, long offsets and wide azimuths to optimize imaging of the pre-salt targets. The survey was acquired in 2009 and survey execution exceeded local and international standards. It was the highest channel survey acquired in Kazakhstan and when fully depth image processed it will yield a high spatially sampled seismic volume, with improved resolution and structural definition. The application of the latest technology and techniques will enable better characterization of this complex carbonate reservoir, adding future value by better placement of wells and reducing overall costs for the ongoing development of the field.


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  • Article Type: Research Article

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