
The Kalavrita region in the southern margin of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, is used as an outcrop analogue to study the late phase of syn-rotational faulting in a half-graben rift system. Field work was undertaken in the region during the summer 2012; in order to further study the sedimentation and filling architectures of the rotated faulted blocks. The main focus lies on the syn-rift deposits that dip in very steep angles towards the north, opposite the general trend in the region. This was done by an outcrop study of the steeply dipping conglomeratic unit close to the northern termination of the Dhoumena fault, located between the town of Dhoumena and the Vouraikos river valley. This kind of sedimentation has been poorly studied in the region. In order to understand the geometries and processes responsible for creating the north dipping conglomerates, detailed field mapping along the unit deposited in the hanging wall of the Dhoumena fault was performed. In the end the outcrop data is compared with subsurface data from the Norwegian Continental Shelf.


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