
Recent developments in environmental studies are related to worldwide ecological problems associated with anthropogenic impacts on the biosphere. Pollution is an undesirable product of human activity. Industrial, agricultural, forestry, and transportation all generate substances and by-products that are considered pollutants. Remote sensing technologies are an effective tool in numerous environmental investigations relevant to ecosystems preservation, biodiversity conservation and other problems of global importance. In agriculture, remote sensing is used for assessing plant growth, condition, and for identification of stress situations. This paper is devoted to the study of the impact of heavy metal contamination on species performance and the possibility to detect pollution stress from measurements of plant spectral characteristics. A main goal is to study the relationships between the stress factor and plant spectral features, and to assess the ability of various spectral indicators to detect plant heavy metal-induced stress. Multispectral measurements were performed over spring barley and pea plots subjected to Ni and Cd pollution. Significant correlations were observed between plant bioparameters and different spectral features. Meaningful statistical relationships were established between the heavy metal pollution amounts, plant bioparameters and spectral properties that allow detection and quantification of the stress factor affect on plant performance.


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