
Recently, we have made a classification of more than one hundred various surface geoelectric arrays ever published in geophysical literature (Szalai and Szarka 2007a, 2007b). The classification is based on three divalent parameters (as “superposition” of measurements, “focusing” of currents and “colinearity” of the array), thus we set up eight groups of geoelectric arrays. One further group was separated for about 10 so-called “composite” arrays, which cannot be classified in the aforementioned way. Here we present some application examples of the classification results. Namely, we call the attention to some hidden relationships among geoelectric arrays: (1) we give an illustration how various arrays can be derived from their root array (besides the Schlumberger-related arrays several other examples will also be given in the presentation); (2) we provide a summary of arrays, capable to measure various partial derivatives of the electric potential. Among the 21 arrays 14 are already published arrays, but there are seven possible, but not-yet-applied arrays. In this way, such missing links in the genealogic trees may lead to creation of reasonable and purposeful new arrays.


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