
Recently Cairo metropolitan had been expanded and new urban had been inhabitated.10th of Ramadan City is one of main industrial zone in Cairo which attracts the attention of all investors. Water resources are very important for industrial and development projects. Therefore, in this study, the main aim is to investigate the groundwater aquifer in this area. Forty six vertical electrical soundings have been carried out using schlumberger array of electrode configurations. These VESes are interpreted using 1-D least squares method. The Results show that the Pleistocene aquifer in the area is subdivided into four geoelectric zones. The same data set has been inverted in 2-D using ABIC least squares method. The results of the 2-D were correlated to the 1-D inversion and other available geological data. In 2-D inverted geoelectric section, the geoelectric zones are the same as in 1-D interpretation. The third zone (zone C) is considered to be the water bearing horizon and composed of sands and gravels. The area is found to be affected by some normal faults, which may affect the extension, the thickness and the type of the groundwater. Pleistocene groundwater aquifer is considered as free to semi confined aquifer type.


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