

The approach applied in this paper is based on spectral decomposition of wave field. They are the timefrequency Gabor transform (CSD) to assess absorption and 2D/3D sliding windows Fourier transform to assess scattering. The paper analyzes local variations of the wave dynamics within seismic sections with a high signal/noise ratio. Attenuation decrement is estimated as an average slope (trend) of the difference between logarithms of amplitude trace spectrums by the bilateral time retrieval. The effective absorption can be either positive if high frequency decreases in time or negative if low frequency decreases in time. The scatterers are identified with the help of 2D/3D coherent filtering of migrated sections. In case of the high precision wave migration, the scattered waves focus into the original discontinuity points and generate the local dynamic abnormalities on migrated field. If coherence filtration has local properties and does not change the dynamics of regular reflections, then difference between an initial section and filtered one would display the focused scattered waves.


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