
When faults are present, their stability and hydraulic behaviour during production and injection can play a critical role in the development of oil and gas reservoirs. Analysing fault criticality based on a calibrated 4D geomechanical model coupled to a reservoir simulation helps to set production and injection constraints with higher confidence to avoid fault reactivation at any stage during field development. The risk of fault reactivation needs to be evaluated in many reservoirs, because of the serious consequences it may have. Not only can previously isolated compartments start communicating, fault reactivation may also cause a loss of containment and the generation of leakage pathways along faults resulting in out-of-zone losses of hydrocarbons. A geomechanical simulation coupled to a reservoir simulation provides a robust starting point to evaluate the impact of faults and fractures and their behaviour throughout the lifetime of a reservoir. Insights into fault behaviour were obtained for a case study reservoir during different stages of field development.


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