
ayleigh (1892), studied the effect, on the overall conductivity, of particles with conductivity σ included in a medium with conductivity σ0 ; Fricke (1924) extended the Maxwell's formulas from spherical to ellipsoidal particles. Geophysics and chemistry literature is reach of studies dealing either with the conductivity of saturated grainy materials or with the conductivity of suspensions: from the work of Archie (1942) to the model of Wyllie and Southwick (1954); from the one of Hanai (1960) up to those more recent of Waxman and Smits (1968) taking also in account for the clay content. More recently the papers of Clavier et al. (1977), introducing the dual water model; of Sen et al. (1981), working with the complex dielectric; of Bussian (1983), Garboczi and Douglas (1995) and Chinh (2000) can be cited. The interest on the subject is still high, as the many papers constantly published on scientific geophysical journals demonstrate, and a consistent scientific background on the relations among fluid, grain, mixture conductivities is available. Moreover the recent, fast development of hardware and software related to electric impedance tomography (EIT) allows for the possibility of performing fast tomography acquisition and processing (Barber and Brown, 1984; Barber and Seagar, 1987) so that the so called “process tomography” has become a leading field of research (Dickin and Wang, 1996). In as much as process EIT allows for fast resistivity or capacity imaging of sections through rapid flows (Xie et al., 1992), to test the possibility of getting resistivity images crossing the rivers and containing information on the solid transport distribution becomes a worthwhile research target. This paper reports the first tests performed within a real scale model with quasi-static flow to verify the possibility of Solid Transport Estimation By fast EIT (SOTEBIT).


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