
Traditionally, reactive measures have been used to prevent drilling problems. This included monitoring on the rig and attempting to resolve situations as they occurred. During the last decades, pre-drill modelling techniques were developed to estimate pore pressure and formation stresses, thus mitigating drilling risks. To make the best use of predictive models, their uncertainties should be modified based on real-time measurements. The amount of while-drilling measurements is steadily increasing. Analysis of these data has been successfully applied for real-time applications such as geosteering and early detection of drilling problems. However, unlike for such applications, mitigating drilling into over-pressured formations requires operational decisions to be taken within very short time after arrival of the measurements. There is no direct measurement for pore pressure, so pore pressure prediction relies on interpretation of the measurements. The large amount of data and the limited time available implies a necessity for automatic data aggregation and processing. We propose a data aggregation tool called RT-Hub that serves two purposes. First, it provides raw and corrected measurements from multiple vendors in a consistent manner suitable for automatic processing. Second, it analyses uncertainties and propagates these to each individual measurement. This is a necessary input for statistical models.


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