

A great number of gas and gascondensate deposits have been exploiting in the world. As a rule, the specialists of the oil-gas complex in any country are sure that technogenetic load on the surroundings when exploiting the above-mentioned deposits is significantly lower with comparison of the such when exploiting oil fields. In this thesis the content of chemical elements in gascondensates and condensational waters, being a derivate of the condensed steams of hydrocarbons and water, has been described in detail. The high transporting ability of the steam-gas-condensate mixtures conditioned by the great concentration of chemical elements, phenolic acids and benzol in the unit of the compressed gas volume has been shown. Till present time in many gas-exploiting regions the condensational waters coming with the gas produced are not pumped into water-bearing seams but they come to the earth surface causing a great technogenetic load on the environment. In these places one should conduct constant monitoring by geophysics methods.


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