

Purpose. The purpose is the algorithm development of remote sensing methods applying and establishing the organic carbon content in semi-hydromorphic soils of the Polesye transitional zone. It has provided by the relationship determination between the energy parameters of multispectral images and it’s content in the investigated soils.

Method. Experimental studies have been conducted with the use of soils field and laboratory tests with their content of organic carbon (C) determination, followed by the statistical processing of the results of their geoinformation analysis and presentation in the map-charts.

Findings. The functional correlation between the organic matter content in response to the reflectance of multispectral pictures p and vegetation indices was provided. In spotted soil environment of the investigated territory the map-chart of organic carbon content has developed for the Polissya transition zone soils of Ukraine.

It has established that the correlation coefficients between the content of organic matter carbon of above-mentioned semi-hydromorphic podzolic soils and vegetation index NDVI, SAVI, MSAVI are high and are respectively r = 0,87.

Practical value. The practical importance is to design of remote sensing technology for the soils organic matter content, by using publicly available satellite imagery and the free distribution software (QGIS). The applying of the identified sensing technology will significantly reduce the cost of human and material resources for remote identification of organic matter contents in the soils.


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