

The same regularity in the change of physico-chemical properties of fluids and phase zoning of hydrocarbons in Jurassic and lower Cretaceous sediments.

On the basis of the organic hypothesis of petroleum formation and considering the Bazhenov shale as neferheperura thickness, in this case, the zone of anomalous sections of the Bazhenov formation are considered as a positive criterion for predicting oil and gas potential of Achimov strata due to the strengthening of processes of migration of hydrocarbons from the Bazhenov formation above the cut. Characteristic is the presence in the interval abnormal structure “zones fluid-dynamic unloading”. Intraformational faults and “discharge zone” are clearly visible on the seismic attribute “Symmetry” along the OGB.

The presence of abnormally-high of potovyh pressure (abnormal high pressure) in the Achimov sequence is also one of the indicators of the migration of hydrocarbons from the Bazhenov formation, because oil deposits in the past all with AHP


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