

From CDP seismic data of 2013 – 2014, oblique slip, strike-slip, normal, reverse and thrust reverse faults were identified in the southwestern part of the Laptev Sea. Regional oblique slip and strike-slip faults are located with the distance of 60 – 80 km between them. They have northeastern strikes with the angles of about 30о, dextral displacements on the Siberian plate and sinistral displacements in the Laptev Sea rift system. The syn-shear pull-apart depression is probably the southern part of the Begichev trough of the Siberian plate with the dimensions of 60 × 20 km, as well as depressions of the West Laptev trough of the Laptev Sea rift system. The disjunctive dislocation system in the southwestern part of the Laptev Sea was compared with previously studied fault systems on the whole Laptev Sea shelf, on the Stokmanovsko-Luninsky threshold of the Barents Sea shelf and in the Taz Estuary of the Kara Sea. From comparative analysis, it was determined that the common features for the studied areas are predominantly northwestern strikes of normal and oblique slip faults and northeastern strikes of strike-slip faults, as well as the formation of pull-apart depressions at the neotectonic development stage.


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