

To secure its leading positions in the petroleum market, Rosneft company has to provide HC production level. Reserves addition attributed to the commissioning of new fields with conventional reservoirs does not practically solve this issue due to limited number of such assets in Russian Federation. On the other hand, significant HC reserves are accumulated in nonconventional reservoirs.

The Rosneft Upstream Block has generated the Segmented Strategy for Hard-To-Recover Reserves, which suggests dealing with productive deposits of the Baznenov, Abalak, Khadum, and Domanik suites, low-permeable reservoirs and accumulations of high-viscosity oil, Tyumen suite, as wells as projects with unconfirmed resource potential planned for appraisal and development jointly with partners. The success of the projects will depend on the quality of available and acquired G&G information, especially on the results of laboratory investigations of cores and formation fluids. For this purpose, TNNC systematically implements full-size core investigations (Gamma Ray, X-ray CT, etc.), including innovative studies (XRF, UCS).

Application of innovative techniques and full-size core study practices allows considerable improvement of reliability of information acquired during integrated laboratory core analysis. Using full-size core study data improves the program of studies, including both standard core analysis and SCAL, which ultimately provide the Company’s projects with information required for solving the whole set of geological-field tasks of exploration, appraisal, and production of hydrocarbons.


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