

2D modeling of the West of Melekess depression was performed using the software complex Beicip-Franlab Temis Flow and reflects the analysis of the main stages of formation petroleum potential of the basin: the generation of hydrocarbons (HC), migration and accumulation of HC and conservation of formed oil pools. Of all horizons of the section, the domanik horizon of the upper Devonian (D3dm) is defined the most oil source potential, set the activation time of the generation processes and calculated the amount of generation and emigration HC. A basic source of oil generation is the axial zone of Ust’-Cheremshan deflection of the Kamsko-Kinel’skaya system of depressions (KKSD). Migration of HC started in the late Permian time. The primary accumulation occurred in the reservoirs of upper Devonian-tournaisian and visean complexes, which could be a source of hydrocarbons to the overlying oil and gas complexes.

As a whole, designed model adequately reflects the actual structure of oil reserves and spatial arrangement of pools in the study area. Thus, model can be used as a basis for estimate of the prospects of petroleum potential of sedimentary cover of the West of Melekess depression.


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