

Sometimes, after hydraulic fracturing, oil production decreases and water cut is increases. This happens for the following reasons: Infringement of technology of fracturing, mismatch of technological characteristics, but most often an unsuccessful hydraulic fracturing is associated with an incorrectly constructed crack propagation design, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

In this way, the creation of a methodology for considering the direction of hydraulic fracturing is a very important task. During the study, the most effective methods for estimating hydraulic fracturing, their advantages and disadvantages were identified. Based on the analysis, a complex technique for determining the optimal parameters of hydraulic fracturing cracks is proposed, which makes it possible to conduct the fracturing operation most effectively. Complex technique includes microseismic monitoring and acoustic cross-dipole logging, which are carried out during the entire operation of the hydraulic fracturing. The proposed complex technique allows the most likely to predict the direction and length of hydraulic fracturing cracks, also if it is necessary, adjust the technological process.


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