

Due to the decrease in the volume of proven reserves and a simultaneous increase in demand for energy sources problems related to energy security are becoming very important.

In order to ensure sustainable energy security, it needs to be given proper attention to focused consistent actions, and this leads ultimately to the achievement of the set goal.

These actions are following:

  • Detailed estimation of petroleum reserves and resources;
  • The analysis of the oil recovery factors, the dynamics of the oil and gas extraction;
  • Risk analysis at each stage of exploration and development of oil fields;
  • HC growth;
  • the occasional recalculation of HC reserves and resources with the involvement of new geological, geophysical, petrophysical data, as well as using new methods.

As a result of the research the following conclusions were made:

  • ensuring the energy security of the state imposes additional duties to the activities of oil and gas companies;
  • the stable growth of active HC reserves ensures their stable production;
  • the estimation method of oil and gas reserves and resources of SPE-PRMS is the most optimal in today’s stage of development of the oil and gas field’s HC potential evaluation sphere.

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