

This research is devoted to lithological-geochemical studying of the Bazhenov Formation (BF) sections of the Southern-Nadym megamonoklise. It is located in the central part of the West Siberian Basin in one of the most perspective areas for hydrocarbon development of the considered deposits. Two types of sections of the BF are established. One of them is mainly siliceous is located in the south of this structure, the second is siliceous-clayey with frequent carbonate layers, was found on the north. Within the Southern-Nadym megamonoklise from the south to the north in the BF rocks there is essential increase in clay material and reduction in siliceous material contents. In the southern part of the Southern Nadym megamonoklise hemipelagic siliceous sedimentation took place. Input of clay material which could serve to impoverishment of the organic matter (OM) was minimum in this region. Red-ox conditions in diagenesis were high-reducing that promoted good preservation of OM. In a northern part of the considered structure at late stages of formation of BF it is observed raised input of clay material that has played a negative role in accumulation of OM. Conditions of burial of OM at late stages also were less favorable - suboxidising.


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