

The study of the composition and formation environments of the Maryanov Formation of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Bazhenov and Georgiev Horizons of the of the eastern part of the West Siberian marine basin in the boreholes Vostok-1 and Vostok-3 has been carried out. It has been established that in the Vostok-3 borehole, which is situated more close to the region of the alimentation, the content of TOC, salinity indices and the level of the redox potential decreases whereas the content of calcite increased. It is remarkable the utterly low content of glauconite in the lower part of the Maryanov Formation section corresponding to the Georgiev Horizon while in the western part of the basin adjacent to the Ural the contents of glauconite and in some places of manganese minerals form the rich accumulations in this part of the section. These observations confirm once again the conception of some investigators on the important role of the Ural weathering crusts on the formation of the West Siberian marine basin deposits, especially on their authigenic constituents.


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