

During the deposit developing there is continuous growth of territories disturbence at essential lag of their recultivation and return to the national economy. At the same time closing of the mining enterprises, besides improvement of an ecological situation, leads to activization and emergence of the new dangerous geological processes and the phenomena capable to affect strongly geoengineering conditions of the former developments territories. The Russia’s statistics of waste emergence and neutralization is shown. It is presented that geoengineering ensuring of mining excavations elimination and projects on land reclamation on mineral deposits are developed in insufficient degree. It is proved that there is a need of carrying out of special geoengineeringresearches for development of recultivation projects. On the example of a pit flooding it is shown role of the monitoring for identification of dangerous geological processes and for the forecast of their development. The data of deformations observations of the land surface confirm a possibility of restoration underground waters levels raisings after closing of the mining enterprises.


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