

Earthquake in Simeulue Aceh happened on April 11, 2012, at 08:39:31 GMT with latitude coordinates 2.35° and longitude 92.82° with magnitude 8.6 Mw. This earthquake occurred at a depth of 45.6 km. Because of this earthquake, the tsunami was recorded in several places. Meanwhile, a small tsunami reportedly hit the island of Simeulue that dragged objects to the coast and created 3 meters height waves in the Gulf of Sibigo, West Simeulue. The April 11, 2012 Simeulue Aceh earthquake was the largest earthquake caused by a strike-slip fault. This earthquake was categorized as an outer-rise quake because it was located outside the subduction zone. The April 11, 2012 Simeulue Aceh earthquake was dominated by horizontal (strike-slip) component, where the horizontal component was dominant, so it did not generate the large tsunami waves. The tsunami propagation models also different between the tsunami model without the focal mechanism and with the focal mechanism (we used strike 20 and 289). From 2 data station, Sabang and Nancowry validation result, then compared the observation result with IOC data, so we know that the height of tsunami was influenced by focal mechanism, in this case, the strike 289 is the nearly compatible with IOC data.


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