

The article is analyzing conditions and features of using remote sensing of the Earth (RSE) in agriculture. Key and promising directions of using available information was identified after using GIS and RSE. The article reveals systematic problems that limit the use of remote sensing and its results: absence of unified technological standards, low level of data processing automation, absence of coordination between departments, users and data owners regarding the use of information. In order to provide access to satellite data, the establishment of distributed system for collection, storage and processing of RSE was proposed. In the context of land market evolvement in Ukraine, the article indicates the importance of implementation of the set of measures aimed to ensure the transparency of land related transactions and maximum accuracy of data in the agricultural sector, including through the organization of the function of the designated centers. For agricultural needs the main purpose of establishment of such centers is considered in supply of related individuals and legal entities with functional tools of RSE data use. Among the main tasks of the centers: provision of analytical, scientific, technical, referral, educational and methodical information, as well as the implementation of specific projects and provision of services in the agricultural sector.


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