

Mechanisms of 17 earthquakes from the Transcarpathian trough (TT) are correlated with geological maps, the geological cross-section Chop-Velykyi Bychkiv, and with the velocities of recent movements. 9 earthquake sources of different kinematic type are spatially correlated with the zone of the Pannonian bordering fault, separating TT from the Pannonian depression. 4 hypocenters correspond to the zone of the Transcarpathian fault, 3 of which are of inverse type. Also, clustering of hypocenters is indicative within the two zones of faults of NE orientation, dipping eastward at the angle of 50–30 degrees and cutting across the entire crust of the region. Compression trajectories are drawn based on orientations of principal axes of the mechanisms, illustrating the present-day stress state of the region. Compression trajectories within the Chop-Mukacheve depression are oriented 60–80 degrees NE and bend southeast within the eastern border of Solotvyno depression, approaching the Rakhiv Massif. A compact group of the deepest earthquakes Trosnyk is located at the intersection of the Pannonian bordering fault system and the meridional segment of Vyhorlat-Huta volcanic range, orientation of compression trajectories in it of alternating character. Trajectories of compression are predominantly sub-orthogonal to velocity isolines of recent uplift, indicating the role of sub-horizontal compressional forces in elevation of the north-eastern and eastern edges of TT.


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