

The speaker paper considers the analysis of geological structure of Kashir and Podolsk Formations in Arlan oilfield and the development of this area. These formations occurred in uniform conditions of shallow marine shelf and marginal sea environment with alternating organogenic limestone, dolomite limestone and micro and fine-grained dolomites. The voids include primary and secondary pores, vugs and local microporosity. The dolomites are finegrained, micro-fine-grained. There are core samples from Arlan oilfield with microporosity up to 30% and permeability of about 0,01 μm2 having a large volume of bound water. Such rocks are named pelitomorphic.

Lithological and petrographic description of cores from Kashir and Podolsk formations recognized four petrotypes depending on rock structure and porosity.

Irregular alternation of pay zones of dolomites and limestone associated with not only irreducible saturation but a large transient zone with pelitomorphic rocks, containing bound, loosely bound water and free water defines the peculiarities of developing the pay zone. The research investigated the sensitivity of inflow mode to compartmentalization parameter given as a ratio of the number of net oil pays to total net oil pays and pelitomorphic layers in a pay zone. The criteria of forecasting the oil and oil-water inflow rates were recognized.


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