
In this paper we present experiences of using triple source configurations in connection with deep water marine streamer exploration campaigns. Going from dual- to triple source configuration will increase the sampling in between the streamers, or can allow for a wider streamer spread given the same crossline bin-size. Careful planning of the streamer spread dimensions, together with an increased number of sources, will provide better spatial sampling and increased efficiency. The effect of going from three sub-array sources to two sub-arrays sources will inevitably lead to reduction in the sound pressure level from each fired source. However, despite the reduction in sound pressure levels, sufficient acoustic energy is still available for maintaining a good signal-to-noise ratio. It has been shown that even in exploration areas where water depth is more than 1000 m, there is still sufficient sound pressure level from the lower volume seismic sources to also image deeper structures. The application of triple sources is not only good for increased resolution and cost saving, but also in the context of complying to more strict environmental regulations.


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