

Deposits Tyumen suite in Western Siberia is one of the main promising hydrocarbon facilities. In the north of Western Siberia, deposits of hydrocarbons have been discovered in a number of deposits in the Middle Jurassic deposits (Urengoyskoye, Pestsovoe, Jubilee, East Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye). The maximum amount of hydrocarbon deposits in the deposits of the Tyumen suite is open at the Urengoy field, about 17. Most deposits are not controlled by a structural factor, the reservoir properties of productive deposits are low. Interpretation of 3D seismic operations makes it possible to isolate perspective objects in deeply buried sediments. The confirmability of promising hydrocarbon traps can be increased by taking into account a comprehensive study of the geological parameters of drilling wells. When studying the thermobaric parameters of hydrocarbon deposits, it was revealed that industrial hydrocarbon inflows were obtained in sediments, where the anomalous reservoir pressure coefficient is more than 1.9. On the territory of the Nadym-Pura interfluve, three zones of maximum values of the anomaly of reservoir pressure were identified. The main zone of anomalies is mapped in the north


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