

Within this work complex analysis of pore space in Domanic Formation rocks was performed on the basis of core recovered from 2 wells (Chukavinskoe and Pospelovskoe fields). Pore space has been characterized qualitatively and quantitatively using scanning electron microscopy, polarizing microscopy and NMR method. Lithotyping and investigation of samples in the scanning electron microscope showed that there are several types of pores, which are specific for each rock type. Distinguished types are intracrystal, intercrystal, interparticles, interparticles, and pores associated with organic-mineral matrix. It was observed that the latter one is the major type of voids within considered fields. Comparison of porosity coefficient (measured with gas) and TOC showed that there is a connection between TOC content and porosity value through the section. For specification of porosity coefficient NMR method was used. However, in that case correlation between porosity value and TOC was not observed.


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