

In the papers of G.E. Archie and V.N. Dakhnov was estimated dependence between resistivity (or conductivity) of soil and porous water. Existence of such dependence shows that we should know water resistivity, that means study it at each fieldwork area. Sometimes places for measurements of underground water resistivity at each area are restricted, in such case we can measure water resistivity in puddles. Water in puddles immediately after rain has no relation with soil resistivity. The purpose of our study consists in determination the rules of ionic exchange between soil and rain water in time. In the paper (Brunet et al., 2010) the authors demonstrated results of water resistivity measurements at contact with soil in time. They found that two days after the rain water resistivity is close to value of underground water. We wanted to check results of that experiment. Our data in the whole coincide with Brunet results, but are slightly different in details.


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