

The modern ERT includes computerized, multi-channel instruments and multi-electrode wire to collect the data, special techniques to obtain information about 2D structure of the geological section and special software. A main element of this technology is the automatic inversion, which transforms the observed electric field in one of the variants of the geoelectric section.

In some cases ERT gives errors in the depths and thickness of sub-horizontal boundaries; errors in the depths of the profile when changing the contrast of the laterals; detection of false local structures due to contrast inhomogeneities. These errors of the inversion put the question of the recognition of zones with this kind of distortion, identify artifacts and recommendations by ignoring false positives.

Three typical situations that lead to distortions in the results of ERT data inversion are investigated. There are significant anomalies in the resistivity section after inversion. The inversion results should be carefully analyzed each time and the final sections should be edited by the geophysicist in accordance with the knowledge of the geological section. The formal presentation of inversion data as the final result of electrical exploration must be considered unreasonable and false


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