Volume 27, Issue 2
  • E-ISSN: 1365-2117



Megafan conglomerates of foreland basins chronicle the combined effect of palaeoclimate conditions, tectonic processes and the flux and granulometric composition of the supplied sediment. However, the architecture of these deposits is seldom uniquely compatible with a single driving force. This problem is illustrated here with a field‐based analysis of the . 30–20 Ma‐old Napf deposits in the north Alpine foreland basin which are coeval with a substantial global warming of . 6°C during the Late Oligocene. The observed larger grain sizes and a change in fluvial style from wandering to braided could be explained climatically by a shift to drier conditions with sparse vegetation, but would have resulted in less than 400 m of additional accommodation space during the 1 Ma duration of change. Accordingly, a climate scenario alone is also not compatible with rapid sediment accumulation rates of >1000 m Ma−1 recorded at Napf, or with a lack of any remarkable shifts in the Froude number, which would be expected if water discharge patterns changed substantially. Alternatively, flexural downwarping in response to a tectonic pulse could account for the increase in grain size and the change in fluvial style from wandering (more distal facies) to braided (proximal equivalent). However, a third driving force is required to explain the contemporaneous backstepping of the distal gravel front and progradation of the proximal braided facies. We suggest that the erosional hinterland steepened in response to an inferred tectonic pulse, resulting in a more widespread exposure of lithologies with higher erosional resistance, as inferred from an increasing contribution of crystalline constituents in the clast suites. Such a change would result in a larger and a higher clast size variability in the supplied sediment, which in turn would contribute to the observed change from wandering to braided and the related shift in depositional systems. This study highlights the importance of tectonic processes and the role of changing surface lithologies in the source area for explaining variations in megafan construction even in the light of substantial palaeoclimate shift.


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